San Francisco

The world-famous Transamerica Pyramid as seen from the intersection of Columbus and Broadway.
February 2018.
From almost everywhere in San Francisco, you can see the Salesforce Tower.
December, 2022.
Come to Chinatown at night to see the red lanterns shine brightly.
December, 2022.
The majestic Pacific Coast Highway in Marin county.
April 2019.
A rainy, balmy, and breezy day at the Sutra Baths. Didn’t stop the tourists, though.
January 2019.
A foggy sunset at Fort Baker, overlooking the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. An utter lack of golden hour today, sadly.
July 2018.
A bit of blue skies on a smoggy day due to the wildfires up north.
November 2018.
Max chilling at the Presidio parade grounds.
July 2018.
A few avian creatures taking a much needed bath in the fountains at the Yerba Buena Gardens.
July 2018.
An assist from the sunset rays on this patch of flowers near the Dutch Windmill at the western end of Golden Gate Park.
June 2018.
One Ferry Building, the glorious tourist-trap filled with many great food shops.
February 2018.
Rather than heading up Telegraph Hill I think from afar affords a better view of Coit Towers
February 2018.
At the wide intersection of Washington Street and The Embarcadero.
February 2018.
The Arelious Walker Stairway in the Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood, one of the many mosaic steps art installations scattered about the city.
February 2018.
The infamous and disused Hunters Point Shipyard, owned by the United States Navy.
February 2018.
One of two famous windmills in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, this one the Dutch Windmill is located on the western end overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
June 2018.
In nearly every main street and side street in Chinatown are commissioned murals. This particular one is on the corner of Commercial and Grant.
February 2018.
The elementary school in Chinatown where the movie ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’ was filmed.
February 2018.
Looking out towards North atop the entrance to the Stockton Street Tunnel in Chinatown.
February 2018.
The peaceful and tranquil Sierra Point.
December, 2017.
This alleyway in Chinatown has got all the colors.
February 2018.
The new soon to be opened Bay Bridge eastern span. I especially love how the entire tower glows in contrast to the amber sky.
March 2014
It used to be quite dangerous coming up atop Potrero Hill to get this famous shot of the San Francisco skyline. Thanks to gentrification, I took this shot while three white girls sat in front of their house chatting.
August 2017
The hiking trails at the Marin Headlands are some of the most scenic, all because of the Golden Gate.
June 2014
AT&T Park is a baseball stadium where the cheap seats has the best view.
July 2015
The iconic San Francisco skyscrapers as seen from Pioneer Park.
March 2012
When it's pitch dark 1am, the only thing that glows is the Golden Gate.
October 2011
The Bay Bridge eastern span makes for quite a stunning backdrop to take your boat out to.
August 2017
To get this shot I had to trespass on United States Navy grounds and wade through unkempt local vegetation. Worth it? Back then it was.
October 2011.
Point Bonita Lighthouse is open to the public for only a few short hours during daylight. I manage to take a quick snap before all the sightseers went across the access bridge.
August 2017
Back when i first started photography I thought light-streaks from doing long-exposure shots were so cool.
October 2011
The Golden Gate Bridge may garner the most tourist eyes, but as a feat of engineering the Bay Bridge holds more allure to me.
August 2017
I love how they’ve strung lanterns across throughout Chinatown.
November 2017
The Golden Gate Bridge bathing in fog is so uniquely San Francisco.
August 2017
The shot of postcards. Of all the wondrous sights San Francisco has to offer, for me nothing beats this view up onTwin Peaks. Composed as so that it captures the iconic hairpin turn.
April 2011
This, is our "welcome to San Francisco" banner.
August 2017
A long view down famed Market Street from its genesis at One Ferry Building.
September 2017
It took them awhile, but finally the entire pedestrian path of the Bay Bridge eastern span is connected from end to end. I've been waiting for it to happen so I can go shoot.
September 2017
I managed to get a bit of Pier 14 in this shot.
October 2011
Some fittingly lovely flowers at the Embarcadero Center.
November 2017
Some recreational sailboaters at foggy Point Bonita.
August 2017
The thing sure is beautiful when it's all lit up.
October 2011
Pier 14, the weird (to me) promenade that juts outward into the Bay to afford sightseers a slightly closer look at the Bay Bridge. The opposite view isn't so bad, too.
September 2017
At the intersection of California and Powell, it’s a four way stop instead of traffic lights. So, either move quickly, or like me have a friend to spot your six.
August 2023
All the landmarks, all at once. San Francisco's beauty really comes alive at night.
October 2011
It's slightly odd going back to old landmarks and finding the new Salesforce Tower adorning the landscape. A thing to get used to.
November 2017
I'm really digging the arch-themed architectural design in the newly refurbished Ferry Building. A solid mix of classic building materials.
October 2017
San Francisco's honoring of those who have suffered so much. One can find the Comfort Woman statues at St. Mary's Square Park.
November 2017