
Long-form blog posts and editorials. Topics cover both personal and the world at large. 

Thoughts on the 2011 SOTU address

I thought it was pretty okay. After two years at the helm of a once sinking ship that is America, one cannot really expect anything spectacular out of our commander in chief at the annual State of the Union address. Obama appears to be a resolved man, a man who realizes that he only has two years left to do all that he promised to do. With a new congress that promises to be even more incompetent that the last (if that is even possible), I think the president is going to stop pushing his own agendas down congress' throats and try to work with everybody. He has to really, because the last congress barely passed anything (Democrats, you had absolute iron clad majority in both houses and all you pushed through worth mentioning was a flawed health bill?) other than the lame duck December period (still no Dream act, really?). That is why the president mostly spoke in absolutes, things that both side agree on in order to leave a positive impression.

I have no idea why congress is even spending time trying to overturn the health bill. Everybody knows it will get dead locked in the Senate. And even if somehow someway it pass the senate, Obama said during the address that he will for sure veto it. This is our tax money at work my friends. I understand Republicans that this is what you promised as you retake the house, but I am sure they also realize that it will just never happen. What a fine use of time to grand stand and uphold a moot point. I think they should just move on with it and pass bills that fix the flaws in the health bill and let it be. Unless Republicans get absolute iron clad majority in both houses and a Republican president, overturning the health bill is just not going to happen.

The whole "Sputnik moment" (I bet a good chunk of Americans don't even know what that is) and waxing on about the ability of China was an absolute back handed compliment to the Chinese. Clearly the US sees China's rise from developing industrialized nation back to super power status (before European imperialism, China once had the world highest GDP) as a threat. All the modernization, infrastructure, economic, and military growth the China has been experiencing are seen by the US as taunts and pea-cocking. Since when were the two countries enemies? The World's stability on all fronts depends on US and Chinese relations and PROSPERITY.

What Obama said during the address basically confirmed to me that the US thinks of China as Russia of the cold war. That the US cannot risk China getting ahead of us (I am sorry, China owns you in math, and they built a 26 mile bridge in 4 years while the Bay Bridge took a decade plus and it is still not finished). That is why the President made the reference to Sputnik. Don't get me wrong, I think the US should definitely step its game up on all the fronts the President indicated, but at the expense of relegating the Chinese to a subservient level? Does it have to be the cold war all over again, that China have to go bust and back to a developing country status (the huge economic bubble in China notwithstanding)? Again, I think it does the two countries and the world good if US and China are on the same level. Besides, China will never "threaten" the US, US owes them too much money.

But maybe I am wrong. Maybe Obama is just using a metaphor poorly in order to push congress and the American people to start catching up to not only China, but the rest of the world. In that case I think he has a point. But I think he himself knows that it will take such a monumental paradigm shift that it will outlast his presidency, even if he is lucky enough to get a second term. Because transformations like that are count in decades, not years (who wants to tackle education, anyone?).

Lastly I want to say to the Republicans rebuttal on how Obama wasted tax dollars on the stimulus and unemployment is still high. I am starting to think that there are no economics graduates within the GOP ranks. Because anybody with any sort of economics education will understand that the stimulus (including the BUSH ones, which Republicans so conveniently forget) was absolutely necessary to keep the economy from going into a depression. Credit was absolutely dried up so practically the government was the only entity with enough power to keep it relatively flowing. The US is a consumer economy, and credit must be abundant and free flowing for it to thrive. Do Republicans not realize what will have happened had the Obama administration done nothing?

The GOP also likes to harp on the still high unemployment rate. Again, anybody with an economics textbook can tell you that unemployment is a LAGGING indicator. Meaning even when the economy rights the ship and starts booming again, the unemployment rate will still take some time much later before it follows the same trend. I think it is wrong for Republicans to criticize the Obama administration for something that is economic fundamentals.

Do the government need to cut back on spending? Sure! I would like to see who has the BALLS to touch Social Security, Medicare and Mediaid, Defense, and food/oil subsidies. I guaranteed you that the congress that does it will not get voted back in. Too much lobbying power these groups have.

So my hope for the US government in the next year? Compromise and at least get SOMETHING meaningful done.

I bet that camera takes nice photos

Why yes it does! And I bet you are now going to proceed to buy one of these "DSLR" and then take some sample shots, turns out not so great, and resolved to yourself "oh I am still learning how to use it". Right, because that auto green box mode facilitates all kinds of possibilities in "learning" the camera. 

Pet peeve you know. Walking around with my camera kit illicit such comments makes me laugh at how the camera makers are just laughing their ass off to the bank. No wonder entry level DSLR cameras seemingly gets updated every fucking year while the bodies that pro use gets updated once every blue moon (looking at you Canon 5D). Business is business after all. The misconception that somehow the better specs of the camera will automatically transform one's photographs is what perpetuates the sales boom of DSLR. And yet it saddens me to see the majority with DSLR are still shooting in auto green box mode. What.a.waste.

Oh man, how many mega pixels do you have? 12. Man this new camera i bought for 100 bucks have 14, I bet it takes better pictures. Facepalm.

Ah yes the megapixel wars was like a cash cow for the camera makers. Not to say megapixel don't contribute to the quality of a photograph, but there comes a point where unless you are doing prints the size of walls, megapixel in the mid teens should suffice anybody. The question of comparison lie in the quality of the megapixel. Let me bludgeon you with camera jargon such as the size of the sensor, aperture, digital processor, and RAW. Megapixel are the end product of the photographic process, how the device captures the light will determine the quality.

But that kind of technical hoopla don't sell cameras to the masses. Solid tangible numbers do. The bigger the better. I present the case of the LCD TV. 5 million to 1 contrast ratio? Do people know that is physically impossible given the technology we have now? 600hz refresh rate? Current LCD panel technology only goes up to 120hz. But who am I as a business major to criticize business strategies that sells the products? With the internet the onus is on the consumers to do the research.

So don't insult all the photographers that actually know what they are doing with nonchalant claims such as once I get a DSLR I will take excellent pictures but the stayin the auto mode the whole time (I am sorry, that onboard flash is not going to light up the moon for you to take a decent pictures). Go learn how to use all the functions, realize what amazing tool it is for all kinds of things. The biggest waste in the world is not using the things you pay hard earn cash for to their full extent:: "I don't drive my car often I am trying to keep the miles down because it is an investment". An automobile is one of the FASTEST depreciating assets one can own! Investment as in you paid a boatload of money? Yea sure, so get all the shit back by actually USING it FULLY.

I mean if you are not going to get out of auto mode of an DSLR, why not save yourself the burden of a heavy kit (and money) and just get a high end point and shoot? I am happy that a lot of people are getting DSLR and enjoying photography, but learning how to use it properly will only better the entire community. And please refrain from getting a Facebook fan page of your supposed photography "thing" immediately after you've bought your first DSLR.

Hey, it is all love and compliments.

So yes this camera take nice photos, but I owe everything to the computer and the program(s) that edits it all.

Mineral excavators - the 2010 San Francisco 49ers

As I have mentioned in my previous piece, the San Francisco 49ers have once again finish the football season with a sub par record, this time amidst high expectations. Pretty much they have been stinking up the joint for the pass half decade. It went all downhill ever since the Niners did not resign Jeff Garcia and roll out Tim Rattay as the starting quarterback (good times, good times).

Lack of consistency doomed the team. In a league where it is what have you done for me lately, it is clear that having something consistent year after year to grow is paramount to winning (especially the offense). There are many examples out there, but the two glaring ones are obviously the case of Peyton Manning and Tom Brady, who respectively have been in the same system for close to a decade. That consistency, or the lack there of, doomed our former number one pick Alex Smith. Niners fans might get incense every time they see Aaron Rodgers doing well, but Rodgers had the benefit of consistency: head coach, and Niners’ former OFFENSIVE coordinator Mike McCarthy.

Alex Smith is a good quarterback. There are flashes that fans can see his good abilities. I believe that if he was afforded the chance to be in the same system for at least three years, he would be at least an above average quarterback. I remember that one good season where he showed signs of improvement under offensive coordinator Norv Turner. Unfortunately as fans know Turner was plucked next season by San Diego to be their head coach.

The part of the team that remained consistent through the last couple of years and was above average league wise was the Niners’ defense. Clearly, consistency with a system is paramount for success. But on this day when Baseball Hall Of Fame announced its Class of 2011 inductees, I channel my inner Mark McGuire to say that the Niners should not dwell on that past, and instead look ahead to the future.

So they obviously need a head coach, and while Jim Harbaugh from Stanford might be the best thing since sliced bread, ultimately he is unproven in the big leagues. Sure he comes from a family of NFL minds, and he even played in the league himself. However when it comes down to it he has ZERO coaching experience (not just head coaching, coaching of any kind) in the NFL. I believe that is not what the Niners need. They need a proven head coach, with championship winning experience. The likes of Bill Cowher, John Gruden, etc. The current team is VERY talented (well, maybe not the QB position), and a guy coming in with experience will be able to take them to the next level. Harbough coming in will not only have to try to do that but have to also learn on the spot! He will find that dealing with paid players is suddently different than college kids who’s only compensation is the glory of victory and a full scholarship.

it goes without saying, the team will need to draft a quarterback come April. My hunch is Alex Smith will not return. If I were him I would be fed up with all the instability and leave town for a fresh start. 

There is also this issue with a new stadium. Having finally experienced a football game at Candlestick this season, I was like hell yeah the team needs a new stadium. Candlestick is a state of the art facility…when it was built. It just cannot handle the people load and revenue generation requirement (needs WAY more seats). I can see why the Niners brass wants a new stadium, and plans are ongoing for one right next to Great America in Santa Clara.

Now there are San Francisco purist that say the team should play right here in San Francisco, otherwise it will not be the same. I would have to disagree on that one. Building a new stadium at candlestick is just not a viable option. Not to say it will not fit a stadium, but the logistics of traffic handling the way I see it is just much better down there in Santa Clara. The commute down south cannot be too bad with two major freeways and Caltrain. Not to mention, there is a ginormous parking lot. It is just less crowded in Santa Clara. Look at it this way, the two New York teams play in NEW JERSEY, so it is not too far fetched to have to travel to Santa Clara for Niner games.

My hope for the team going forward is have a modicum for stability in terms of the staff and personnel, and get a capable quarterback to lead the team. The NFC West is a week division thus improvements can be immediate.

Magic inside - the 2010 San Francisco Giants

It would be wrong to look back at 2010 and not reflect upon the San Francisco Giants winning the World Series by beating the Texas Rangers. It was the first time witnessing my hometown team winning a championship (I was not on this continent when the Niners had their run). And let me tell you, I may root for teams from other parts of America that have won championships, but nothing beats watching your beloved hometown team win it all.

Bay Area sports franchises have been down during the past decade. The Raiders and Niners have stunk after the first couple of years at the beginning of the decade. The only glorious moments in Bay Area football the past decade was the OAK vs. TAMPA super bowl, and the improbable win over the New York Giants by the Niners at the wild card round with a pass interference non call to end the game. In terms of basketball the Warriors had that wonderful run in 2007, beating the number one seed Dallas as an eighth seed. Other than that, basketball has been down in the region for DECADES. And in the hockey the Sharks are perennial playoff teams but can never win it all.

As for my favorite sport of baseball, the A’s had consistent playoff runs early in the decades (and then subsequently runs into teams from the AL East) but then fell off the latter half. The Giants also saw much success earlier in the decade, culminating in the all too painful game 6 World Series lost in 2002 (a memory I can now finally let fade). Then, ever since the Jose Cruz error against the Marlins in the NLDS in 2003, the Giants have not been relevant. The Barry Bonds home run chase charade took its toll on the Franchise, and after he was gone the Giants was left with a bunch of old guys and young, unproven talent. How many of you know the pains of 2007? Are all you can remember is that we hosted the fucking All Star game? So to say I have waited a long time (relatively speaking) for my hometown teams to win a championship is valid.

Luck would have it the Giants organization saw fit to develop pitching from within the farm system. For a good amount of years all they drafted with their top picks were highly touted arms. They believe that with excellent pitching, they have a chance to win every time out (other team cannot win if they cannot score, right?). The likes of Lowry, Cain, Lincecum, Sanchez, Wilson, Bumgardner were all grown out of the farm system. Who would thought at the time when Zito was signed (I can still remember how excited I was then) that he would be relegated to the 5th starter role!

So then the Giants have had good pitching for a couple of years now (Two Cy Youngs for Timmy), but then the problem with the teams lie in the hitting. Sure the other team cannot win if they do not score, but the same goes for the Giants. Unlike the pitching, for a long time no big time hitting star came out of the Giant’s farm system. I mean there were great hopes like Niekro, Ortmeier, etc., but it just never panned out. For sure not drafting position players high up in the draft had a lot to do with it. I was of course pleasantly surprised when Pablo Sandoval came on the scene and hit like he did. I could not believe that such a hitter could have come out of our farm system. But I knew then that the Giants finally realize that they are going to develop some bats too, because face it no big name free agent slugger will want to come to AT&T because their numbers will go down tremendously (just ask Aaron Rowand). Its not a coincidence that there are no 30+ HR hitting Giants position player since Bonds retired. 

And then some guy name Buster was expected to do great things the minute he was drafted back in 2008. The rest is history.

To be honest back in April of 2010 when the baseball season started, there was no way I thought the Giants would win the World Series. No intelligent baseball man can give that assessment. The team was loaded with pitching sure, but the hitting was still suspect, with piece together free agents and overpaid “washed out” old guys. Guy name Buster was still in the minors, and the Panda was most likely going to go through a slump after the league has a seasons worth of tape on him (and he could not stop eating). Realistically I thought the Giants could win the albeit weak division with their superior pitching. But that was as far as I see them going.

In my opinion two moves made the Giants’ regular season: signing Pat Burrell rejuvenated not only him but it made Huff even better now that he is playing with his best friend. The second is of course the trade of Molina and calling up Buster. Die-hard Giants fan will never forget the contribution of Molina in the “dog” years. He was a big part of the Giants offense and Timmy’s two Cy Youngs.

And the Giants won the division by two games, on the final 162nd game. At that juncture I was just happy that we got into the playoffs. Everybody knows to win the World Series, even if you are the best team in the league a step above everyone else, EVERYTHING must click at the same time, and add in a little bit of luck (that 3 error ATL game). Then for the entire month of October all I have witness from the Giants was everything clicking together (accept for game 2 of the ATL series where it seems the team forgot spring training 101). I mean CODY ROSS? He was a nobody getting tossed around the league (I remember Giants playing against him when he was with the Dodgers), but he came through big. Renteria was a bum the entire season but even he found his usual playoff magic. Calls (other than the strike zone) and plays were all going the Giants way. Not to discredit the team’s effort, but man magic was definitely inside.

That entire playoff stretch, the game 5 (thank you internet for my digital copy), and the parade after is something I will never forget.

Special shout out to my lovely friend Amber Leong for watching all the magic along side with me. A special non-shout out to my best friend Chris Chu for being MIA (I kid I kid). 

There comes a sore subject with long time die hard Giants fans who have stuck with the team through it all with regards to what is dubbed “the fair weather fans”. They are fans would have only started to root for the team once it was known they made the playoffs and are making a run at the championship. I have absolutely no problem with the disdained that is thrown at the band wagoners. Die-hard fans deserve that much to voice their opinions (you know, where the fuck were you guys back in 2007?).

Speaking of 2007, what happened to the Giants in 2010 with regards to fans was exactly what happened to the Warriors when they made their playoff run! To be honest back then I was also saying where the fuck were you guys the past 7 years when the team absolutely sucked?

My personal opinion on that subject is that, it is all good. I have no hate for the fair weather fans. Because at the end of the day, it is all LOVE and SUPPORT for the team. The teams sees all the support from the entire region behind them and they played that much harder. And hopefully free agents will see the atmosphere here in San Francisco and would want to come to play here (being World Series champs does not hurt. Thank you Miguel Tejada for seeing the light).

I will say this though, the satisfaction the fair weather fans have from the Giants’ triumph will never match up to the same feeling die hard fans have. Those that have stuck with the team through the bad times, hung on to every bit of news during the off season, cannot wait for every new spring training, etc., will have the greatest joy from seeing the Giants finally bringing it home. That, the die hard fans can keep for themselves, and something band wagoners cannot touch.

To conclude, 2010 was definitely special seeing the Giants become World Series champions. There times when I still cannot believe it actually happened. February is only next month, and the journey to defend the title begins.