Good news! The cargo ship that’s blocking the Suez Canal is finally free and moving.
Better news! I received the second of two Pfizer vaccine shots this past Thursday. In a few weeks’ time I shall be considered fully vaccinated, ready to meet the world again without fear of dying from COVID.
Best news: my parents are finally due to get their vaccines later this week! California will be opening up the eligibility to any persons 50 and over starting on April 1st. Half a month later on April 15th, vaccinations will be open to all adults over the age of 16. The endgame has truly arrived, and it’s a small miracle that we are this close to returning to normalcy.
It sure looks like San Francisco is already there. If this sunny and warm (for San Francisco) weekend is any indication, any semblance of lockdowns and restrictions are de-facto over. The citizenry are out in droves! The city has entered the orange tier, so practically everything is open, with capacity restrictions. I cannot wait to sit down and eat a meat inside a restaurant, though I’m going to wait out the initial rush of people. I’ve never seen Costco so empty on a Sunday noon: people have things to do now other than grocery shop!
You really love to see it.
It’s really perverse that United States have seen some of the worse COVID figures in terms of infections and deaths, yet we will likely be the first country on the planet to sufficiently vaccinate to fully open back up. Of course, countries like Taiwan and New Zealand didn’t need any vaccines to keep the numbers low and lives normal, but at least the problem here is getting solved. Bottom line: way too many people have died needlessly from COVID in this country.
But we’re almost there at the end. Thank you to the cast of many hundreds of thousands that made it possible.
Many reflections.