One of the YouTube rabbit-holes I fall into are car dash cam videos. Compilation of idiots on the road causing car accidents. It’s not the sadist in me that enjoys watching the suffering of others. I like watching dash cam footage because I get to observe and learn what not to do when I am on the road.
And also: we all should install a dash cam in our cars. Should misfortune befall you and it’s your word against the other driver, video footage (caught in 4K) can potentially save you a ton of money. I would have a dash cam permanently installed in my BMW M2 if I had a commute. As a weekend car, I simply use a mounted GoPro.
The most important point I take from watching the dash cam videos: don’t play the vigilante. You are not the police, so don’t play the enforcer of road rules (written or otherwise). There’s always going to some drivers on the road doing something stupid or being a bully. The best thing for us to do is to stay as far away from that action as possible.
I’ve see way too many footage of drivers playing cop. For example: blocking someone from “illegally” merging, or refusing to slow down/change course because they had right of way. What ends up happening is they collide with the offending cars. It’s so stupid: sure, they’re logically in the right, but now they’ve got a mangled car to repair. Even if the other driver’s insurance will cover it - if they’re insured at all - those drivers are still out the time and energy to take the car to the shop.
Stubborn drivers, piloting 4,000 pounds of fast-moving steel, refusing to back down is some scary shit! No wonder our insurance rates are so freaking high.
Step by step.