
Short blog posts, journal entries, and random thoughts. Topics include a mix of personal and the world at large. 

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I was surprised and saddened to learn a recently retired colleague has pass away. Not even a year into retirement, after over 40 years of service at our university. There were no visible signs of frailty, last I saw the guy. He spent four decades working for a single employer, and didn’t even get to enjoy the fruits of that labor.

It’s truly the stuff of nightmares. The diligent among us, armed with long-term thinking, save and prepare for retirement. We make certain sacrifices now so that our golden years would have the means to be plentiful. And for those sacrifices to all be for naught - that is a scary prospect. We’ve all heard anecdotes about folks waiting until retirement to pursue their hobbies, only for fatal illness to rob them of that opportunity.

Obviously there’s some availability bias going on. The percentage of people keeling over soon after they retire is probably very small. The prudent thing is still for us to monetarily plan for an actual retirement period.

But it’s a mental struggle - for me at least - to balance the distant future and the now. The goal is to minimize regret. Certain opportunities are better taken advantage of at certain periods of life. For example: mortgaging some parts of retirement (by not saving as much) in order to travel in our 20s and 30s can be a logical move. That’s the period when you have the most energy, and the willpower to stomach a crammed hostel stay with a dozen other people.

I’ve no regrets using a large part of my retirement savings to buy a car. The opportunity - my age at the time, money saved, that model’s availability - was only ever going to happen that one time. Protecting my retirement would have meant not experiencing that at all. Ever. That is also the stuff of nightmares.

Obviously, I am not advocating for complete debt-spending anarchy. Spending less than you make, and saving some for a rainy day is evergreen financial advice.

Painting it over.