
Short blog posts, journal entries, and random thoughts. Topics include a mix of personal and the world at large. 

Compounding small gains

What they don’t tell you about keeping a consistent weight training schedule is that you never feel 100%. Most of the time, at least one body part is slightly sore. And just when that soreness subsidies, it’s time to train that body part again! The only time you feel completely fine is when the training pauses for things like vacation. But then you don’t mentally feel good about pausing, afraid those hard-earned gains will all melt away in a few days of inactivity.

That’s obviously not how it works, but I did say it was psychological.

The gains are indeed hard-earned because contrary to expectations, it takes a bloody long time to put on muscle mass cleanly. (One can always stuff themself with as much calories as possible, but then they’d be putting on fat as well as muscle.) Those dramatic one year transformations you see on social media? (Or Kumail Nanjiani.) It’s totally steroids. Adding 30 pounds of muscle in 12 months - whilst keeping body leanness - is impossible without artificial medical assistance.

I’ve been lifting weights consistently for about six months (progressive overloading, and eating a crap ton of protein along the way) and only now do I see some tiny hypertrophy of the muscles. I’d be happy if I gain three pounds of muscle total by the end of 2024.

Of course, the aesthetic improvements are mere positive side effects to the main goal of strength training: longevity. I want to be agile, limber, capable for as long as possible, right into the golden years. The aesthetics will fade sooner or later anyways. The strength and muscles cultivated now will (hopefully) prevent me from taking a fall at 70, breaking a hip, and dying shortly after. (The mortality rate on the elderly after taking a fall is enormous.)

There are no shortcuts (unless it’s Ozempic). Anything worth doing takes a long time.

Bright evening walks.

Suburban hiking

The problem with taking Thanksgiving week off from work is that I feel disgusting to be sedentary during that time. This year, I even got a gadget that reminds me just how much I am not moving: the Apple Watch. With me staying home the entire day, those daily fitness rings are definitely not closing. Can the gamification of fitness actually help me get off my butt?

Yes it can! (Thanks, Obama.) That Monday afternoon of the week off, the unfinished fitness rings were staring right at me from the watch face. On a typical work week, those would have been fulfilled by that time. Not content to let the streak die, I reluctantly put on some outside clothes - because wearing the same clothes outside and inside the home is kind of dirty - and headed outside for a walk. 30 minutes later, mission accomplished (like President Bush), rings closed.

And then I did the same the following day, and every week day during Thanksgiving week.

Turns out, taking a walk around the neighborhood is kind of nice (file under: duh). Obviously, it helps to be in a safe and leafy neighborhood. I can’t imagine doing this 20 years ago living near the Sunnydale housing projects. It also helps to go outside during golden hour - the period just before sunset. The views are often spectacular this time of year, with many clouds and no fog. A meditative stroll is a great way to end the day before heading to a hearty dinner.

New habit, then: I shall take walks around the neighborhood on weekend days - and weekdays when I am not working - where I’ve only been inside the home. Got to close those Apple Watch rings! The health benefits are cool, too.

Burning sunset.

Running in the 190s

This past Sunday was the first time running with the Apple Watch, and I have to say it was delightful. To be able to run without the iPhone - either in an armband holder, holding it in my hand, or it sloshing around in a pants pocket - is such a luxury. I preloaded my running playlist onto the Apple Watch, and it alone was able to play music through to my set of AirPods Pro. Don’t need to rely on the iPhone for tunes anymore.

I also don’t have to reply on third-party apps to track my running. The Apple Watch’s native workout app does the job superbly, without selling my information to a third party. (As always: if the produce is free, you are the product.)

What the Apple Watch can do that the iPhone absolutely cannot is heart-rate tracking. It’s interestingly informative to see the stats post exercise. For example, my maximum heart-rate during the run was 191 beats-per-minute (BPM), with an average of 175 BPM. That sure seems like a lot of blood pumping to me! What’s most fascinating is that my heart-rate remained elevated for the hour immediately after running. I was just lounging on the couch watching football! I guess the extremities are still crying for energy delivery, even after the exercise is over.

I’ve become that person now: checking their Apple Watch every now and then during a workout to see the progress. Even during the normal day-to-day, I am moving the left wrist up to see my current step count (got to get the daily 10,000!). I hope this gamification of health doesn’t become obsessive compulsive. The Apple Watch is suppose to assist, not become an albatross.

Where is the love?

Lazy sunday

Woke up early and did the usual Sunday morning run. Found out that going at a 8:3x per mile pace is just not in the cards for me yet. By the fourth mile I was struggling in spectacular fashion.

As always, it’s wonderful to see so many people on their fitness grind. Even if they’ve only got time to exercise on the weekends, it’s very much worth it isn’t it. Always treat and take care of yourself first; the other stuff will follow. Not so good having lots of money in the bank when you suffering from heart diseases now is it?

Stay fit; you owe it to yourself.