
Short blog posts, journal entries, and random thoughts. Topics include a mix of personal and the world at large. 

Roast duck is how much!?

Hypothetical: if you were on death row, what would you choose as your last meal? (Also: what crime did you commit?) Easy decision for me. It’s got to be fried chicken. Funny enough, I actually don’t often eat fried chicken, given its problematic nutritional value. But when I do, it’s got to be KFC. That’s right, I don’t need anything fancier.

A close second to fried chicken would be roast duck. I loved roast duck when I was a kid. Anytime my parents bring home from a Hong Kong restaurant an entire roast duck, that dinner was special. I loved it so much that I vowed to buy and eat a whole one myself, when I become an income-earning adult.

Also funny enough, not once have I bought a whole roast duck and ate it by myself in one sitting. Similar to fried chicken, the nutritional value of roast duck is… not the best. These sort of fattening cheat foods are best reserve for just a few times year. Even though I’ve got enough money to buy all the fried chicken I want. That my friends is called self control.

This past Sunday I was at a Hong Kong restaurant for breakfast (I love porridge). Hanging near the window into the kitchen is the requisite BBQ selection. And then I saw the shocking price for a whole roast duck: $34! There’s inflation, and then there’s inflation. The current price for roast duck is the latter. I can remember a time not long ago it was half the price I saw. Are people still buying these days? I surely would hesitate, or buy way less often.

Things are not great in fried chicken land, either. $20 won’t even buy you a bucket of chicken at KFC. As of this writing, $23 only gets you eight pieces.

Good thing I seldom eat these two food items!

Ride into the danger zone.

I could use some chicken

Sometimes after getting home from work you just want to order delivery KFC and pig out. All because the work week has been hellaciously rigorous. I did exactly that today, as I was too tired to be bothered with making actual dinner. I unwinded to some music whilst waiting for the Grubhub driver to bring me the food from about a mile away. I did make a bowl of veggies though, because as a good Chinese boy, I cannot have fried chicken without some green stuff (not that kind) to balance it out.

Indeed it’s been a tough week at work. It’s the first week of fall semester on campus, and us IT folks are just running around trying to take care of everybody. Soon as we finish one thing, another is waiting for us, likely already overdue. Good news is the work day is finite: I put in my eight hours then I can go home and not think about it until the next day. Still ruminating over work stuff after dinner? That can’t be me!

San Francisco State is back to 75% In-person classes now, and it’s absolutely weird to have a bustling campus again after two and a half years of relative ghost town. The throngs of people during the hours when everybody is either getting out of a class or heading to class (such as the two o’clock hour) is amazing to see once again. Also amazing to see is a bunch of bible thumpers returning to the campus quad to call the rest of us devil worshippers. A student wearing a short skirt was simple walking by and got called a slut.

You can say things are back to normal. The only thing that isn’t is that SF State still has an indoor mask mandate. Though even that is scheduled to go away after next week, predicated on COVID case loads in San Francisco continuing to stay low and mild.

What’s better after a hard day than fried chicken? I struggle to think of anything else that isn’t sex.

Sadly not taken by me.