
Short blog posts, journal entries, and random thoughts. Topics include a mix of personal and the world at large. 

Grow old together

On a leisurely stroll through the local park this Saturday, I encountered an old Asian couple having a picnic at the bench tables. Both looked older than my own parents, who are in their 60s. It was a beautiful scene to see. A loving couple, well into their golden years, still going out on a date. Both enjoying each other’s company and conversation, while eating a nice meal.

That’s just sweet, isn’t it? We’d all be so lucky to find a life partner like that. A loving relationship with the ultimate longevity. The type that can weather the ups and downs, well beyond the initial spark and illogical craziness. I’m sure the couple I encountered had to work hard through some shitty times to get to where they are. They understood the tradeoffs, and had no qualms with dealing with both the positives and negatives in choosing one another.

Or perhaps I’m merely projecting my own hopes and dreams to this lovely couple (I definitely am). Maybe they’d just met each other on an online dating app, (they’ve got those for older folks, surely) and this picnic at the park is their first date. But I doubt that. Asian couples of that generation tend to have stuck around with each other for a very long time. They didn’t have the options available to go do something else. A commitment was made, and that was it.

And if there were irreconcilable differences, they would stick together despite it. Either for the kids, or for the safety of money. There’s pros and cons to this too, obviously.

I feel like our generation have too many options. Dating apps, social media; everybody’s waiting for the person who is just right. Any sight of a red flag means game over. And why not? We’ve got access to so many others at the flick of a finger. It’s easier to give up than to work things through. Is this necessary better and improved? I honestly don’t know.

What I do know is it would be kind of wonderful to get to that picnic table with someone, in my old age.

DragonBoaty McDragonBoatFace.

I'm fine

Perhaps it’s because I’m older and wiser now at the age of 32 (ha!), but I’m feeling quite fine today, even though the team I was rooting for utterly lost the Super Bowl the previous evening. The younger, sports-obsessed version of me would’ve had his night and the following week completely ruined; current me understands what’s truly important in life, and local sports teams isn’t one of them.

Don’t get me wrong, I still love to watch sports; it’s the outcome that I’m now detached from. Obviously, I don’t judge people who stake their entire being and existence on a particular sports team; those are the true believers that make sporting events possible in the first place.

What I take out of the Super Bowl is the time spent with friends watching the game. Those are the moments worth remembering: gorging on unhealthy food, drinking alcohol, and focusing more on the conversations than what’s being broadcasted on the television. Truthfully, because I had a vested rooting interest in this year’s big game, I did pay more attention to the match than year’s past, though I kept reminding myself that there will always be a Super Bowl, but the people around me are only as young as they are today.

Not to get completely morbid, but just look at what happened to Kobe Bryant: anything you hold near and dear can be taken away from you in an instant. Relationships are what’s important, not a football game. Would I be tangibly happier today had the 49ers won the Super Bowl? Probably, but that sort of happiness is fleeting - the shine will inevitably wear off. Having great experiences with people close to me? That sort of happiness is forever.

Footnote: I did try the vaunted ‘White Claw’ drink for the first time at our Super Bowl party, and I have to say it’s a damn efficient way to get people drunk without realizing it. There’s no alcohol taste at all, so I can see how a person can down multiple cans and not think about the ramifications. In certain hands, I would say White Claw might be more dangerous than the infamous ‘Four Loko’ drink.

We’re walking on glass.